

目前顯示的是 10月, 2017的文章

[翻譯]Alan Walker - Faded │ 艾倫·沃克 - 人間迷走

  這次是帽踢口罩男Alan Walker和Iselin Solheim合作的歌 有讓人不自覺按重播的魔力 我個人覺的歌詞中的「你」可以拿來比喻任何事物 戀人或尋找家園的解釋都是可以的 又或者聽者可以帶入那些深藏在心裡的事 是一首感動人心的歌 *歌詞是個人詮釋,沒有逐字翻 Faded  人間迷走 You were the shadow to my light 你如光下的陰影 Did you feel us? 你可能感受到我們 Another start 另一個開始 You fade away 你隨之消逝 Afraid our aim is out of sight 害怕目標變得遙不可及 Wanna see us 希望看到我們 Alive 仍然活著 Where are you now? 而如今你在哪兒 Where are you now? 身在何處 Where are you now? 何處可尋 Was it all in my fantasy? 難道一切只是我的幻想 Where are you now? 你現在在哪裡 Were you only imaginary? 你難道只是我的想像 Where are you now? 而如今你在哪兒 Atlantis 亞特蘭提斯 Under the sea 沉入海底 Under the sea 在深海底下 Where are you now? 你現在在哪裡 Another dream 另一個夢境 The monster's running wild inside of me 怪物在我心裡橫衝直撞 I'm faded 我失去色彩 I'm faded 漸漸淡出 So lost, I'm faded 迷失方向 迷失自我 I'm faded 我將消逝 So lost, I'm faded 看不清前方的路 我終將消逝 These shallow waters never met what I need

[翻譯]Halsey - Colors │ 海爾賽 - 色彩

Halsey是位創作形才女 還有一點叛逆乖張 我很喜歡他用顏色來形容這段感情 很有味道 其中我最喜歡這三句歌詞 You were red and you liked me 'cause I was blue You touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky And you decided purple just wasn't for you 以極短的篇幅說完一個故事 而且是整首歌唯一用念的 很平淡 卻有畫龍點睛的效果 *歌詞是個人詮釋,沒有逐字翻 Colors 色彩 Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so 你的弟弟從未告訴過你但他其實很愛你 You said your mother only smiled on her TV show 你說你母親只有在看電視節目時才會露出笑容 You're only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope 而你只有在腦中充滿幻覺時才會感到快樂 I hope you make it to the day you're 28 years old 但願你能活到28歲的那一天 You're dripping like a saturated sunrise 你如飽和般的日出 You're spilling like an overflowing sink 你如從滿水般的水槽中溢出 You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece 即使殘破不堪 對我而言你仍是本傑作 And now you're tearing through the pages and the ink 而現在我正擾亂你每個章節 Everything is blue 一切都是藍色的 His pills, his hands, his je

[翻譯]LP(Laura Pergolizzi) - Lost on You │ 勞拉·伯格利茲 - 失去你

LP是一位打扮中性的美國創作歌手(我自首我一開始誤以為他是個男人 獨特的風格配上迷人的滄桑嗓音讓人不知不覺便沉醉在她的音樂之中 這首Lost on You是在寫她對前女友的思念 我對歌詞的解釋是靠著感覺走的 也不知道能不能符合原本的意思 可以當成新的詮釋看 *歌詞是個人詮釋, 沒有逐字翻 Lost on You  失去你 When you get older, plainer, saner 當你越變 成熟 冷淡 理智 Will you remember all the danger  We came from? 你是否會記得我們曾經歷過的危難 Burning like embers, falling tender 像餘燼般燃燒 墜落 Longing for the days of no surrender 渴望回到以前從不屈服的日子 Years ago  And will you know? 從前的歲月 你可會了解 So smoke 'em if you got 'em 'cause it's going down 就盡情放縱沉淪吧 一切以成定局 All I ever wanted was you 我想要的除了你別無他人 I'll never get to heaven 'cause I don't know how 我永遠到達不了天堂 因為我不知道該如何前往 Let's raise a glass or two 讓我們舉杯高飲 To all the things I've lost on you, ho, oh 敬我如此沉醉於你 Tell me, are they lost on you? Oh, oh 告訴我他們是否也迷戀著你 Just that you could cut me loose, ho, oh 所以你無情的離我而去 After everything I've lost on you 從今往後 我便失去你了 Is that lost on you? Oh, oh, oh,